Pad Grading

It’s been a while since the last round of house-related updates. I’ve been holding off publishing an update, partly because there wasn’t a whole lot of interesting things happening, partly due to the upset with Coronavirus over the four months, and partly I’ve been working a lot at my real job.

I had the grading for the house pad done earlier this month. I really enjoyed finally getting a chance to make some major progress on this project after three years of planning and learning.

Pad area brushed and ready for the grader to arrive. We surveyed the perimeter daylight lines (where the pad edges meet undisturbed soil) with a total station.

The grading plans came back from the County in March with a few minor corrections. I worked with the grading engineer to make those changes, got the final copies stamped and signed, and then resubmitted them in mid-May. After routing back-and-forth between different county departments for a what seemed like an eternity, I finally obtained the grading permit earlier this month.

It was not a moment too soon. The grading contractor arrived onsite and plowed away for the next three weeks cutting, filling, and packing.

The grading contractor first dug flat plateaus, aka “keyways”, at the base of the fill slopes prior to starting the filling and compaction.

The grader, Pollock Dirtworks, put in a lot of extra time and effort to make sure it was a success and it shows. It cost a little more than I would have preferred, but they did a great job.

Graded driveway entrance
Elliptical round-a-bout with the water-tank in the middle.
Looking west towards the round-a-bout.

I’m working with the soils engineer to get the compaction report completed and install the erosion control items (silt fence, straw wattle, energy dissipators, etc). Once those are complete, the report will be submitted to the County along with house plans and the grading inspection sign-off to allow final processing for the building permit.

All finished!