Hi! I’m Jesse – a native San Diegan, Christian, engineer, home builder, agrarian, and public policy muse at times. I currently work for a local company in the engineering field. In college I studied Mechanical Engineering at UC San Diego. I graduated with honors in 2009 and obtained professional licensure in 2014.
I strive to know and glorify God in every area of my life. I also strongly value ordered liberty, healthy families, and flourishing communities – all of which are enabled by culturally-transcendent and enduring moral guideposts described primarily in the Christian Bible.
As a follower of Jesus Christ, my faith rests solely in what Jesus did for his church (and in a sense, all of humanity) on a cross at Jerusalem 2000 years ago as recorded in the Bible and is based on the record of who God has shown himself to be down thru history. He is perfect, holy, and good. I love the Lord and I love his people. I am unashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
One of my long goals ever since I was a little boy has been to build my own house, which is the chief focus of this blog. Overall I’m enjoying the experience so far and am hoping that I will be able use some of the skills I’m learning in the future!
When not building or working with my hands, I enjoy architecture, gardening, the outdoors (hiking, camping, backpacking), being involved in a soccer game, playing the oboe or piano, and Christian fellowship. I support traditional Burkean-American conservatism and the Austrian School of economics. I love freedom, the American people, and our heritage. Maps, stars, foreign languages, and a good travel story are always interesting to me. The same can also be said for guns, tools, and ancient history. 🙂
I can be reached at: jesse.villacampania[at]gmail.com. I love to hear from my readers!