Folks, this has been a long time in coming. I obtained the building permit for my house last month! Finally.
My house project has kept me preoccupied nearly continuously the last four months. After the grading was completed in July, I spent a sweltering August installing the prescribed “erosion control” items. Dad braved the heat and helped lay a lot of the fiber rolls. I am thankful for the help!
I hired a hydroseed company to come out in September and cover the slopes with a fibermatrix material and seed mixture. The seed was a custom selection of flowers and “low-fuel” / non-irrigated shrubbery. Once the hydroseeding was completed, the county inspector came out. He pawed thru the plans, twirled his pen, took a quick turn around the pad, and signed it off. I still had a few things to take care of, but it was complete enough for him, so that was good.
With the grading signed off, I finished a few minor corrections to the plans left from the second review, bundled the new set together with the soils report, got everything stamped by the engineer and sent them off to the county in the early part of October. They came back with a couple issues here and there but we were able to work thru those and the plans were finally approved.
After paying what amounted to a small fortune in fees a couple weeks later, I at long last became the proud holder of a building permit! They say that once you actually get your building permit, you are over half-way done. I don’t know that that is true but I feel like it is. Looking forward to the contractor starting on the foundation soon.