A saga of repairing a broken axle bearing on a Case 580D.
Pad Grading
Grading the house pad
Straw Bale Shed Foundation & Retaining Wall
Pouring the foundation and laying the CMU retaining wall.
The Silver Lining on Coronavirus
Coronavirus is changing how we live our lives, and it’s not all bad.
Cicero on Music
Cicero on the modern day music of his time.
March for Life 2020
I attended the March for Life and the National ProLife Summit last week.
House Plans & Other Plans
House plans are back from 1st review.
House Plans Submitted!
Starting the plan check process.
The Bread of Life
Is Jesus only a little baby in a manger to you or do you know Him as the Bread of Life?
Country is Red, Cities are Blue…Why?
International trend? Population centers tend to vote democratic.